This meme idea was sparked from my blog topic about how roads impact wildlife. I was thinking of an idea for a meme and started looking up in Google Images, “wildlife and roads”. This is when I found this picture of a brown bear sitting in the road with a car pulled over to the side; my initial thought when I saw this was, “Huh. It looks like this bear is protesting the road by just plopping itself right in the road.” This is what began to spark my caption for the meme: wildlife don’t have a say when it comes to roads being placed into their environments; they’re expected to “deal with it” or “become accustomed” to it as our society continues to build upon the environment. Animals can’t fight back against humans or the infrastructures built on their land, meaning they become susceptible to mortality or harm when coming face to face with a car driving down a roadway. I chose the caption, “Protesting roads because killing wildlife with your car isn’t enough anymore” because this seems to be what the case is these days; wildlife are now constantly susceptible to mortality, vehicle collisions, or other factors from roads (i.e., destruction to habitat, pollution, erosion, etc.), and the only way that people would seem to start becoming aware of this issue is if the wildlife started protesting (if they could). However, the point of this meme is to become aware of the fact that wildlife may not be able talk about how they are affected by roads, but how they are being affected is what matters and what needs to cease.