Digital Story Compilation

This is a DS106 Assignment known as a “Digital Story Compilation”, with the objective being to, “Create a video compilation of some of your favorite things you’ve made in ds106.” Looking at all of the assignments I have made for my DS106 Work, I picked out eleven of the assignments I did and compiled their elements into a video (i.e., either the image, GIF, or web-based image for the assignment) to showcase my favorite assignments I did.

The first assignment in the video is for the first Animated GIF assignment, “Say It Like the Peanut Butter”; the objective of this assignment was to, “Make an animated gif from your favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. Make sure the movement is minimal but essential.” I chose one of my favorite scenes from Grey’s Anatomy and wrote about why I chose this scene and how I connected to it.

The second assignment I chose was the “What’s the Meme” assignment where you had to, “Take any picture and caption it with a meme, whether common or uncommon. Or come up with a personalized meme.” Choosing from one of the meme-able images from out course website, I chose the one of Sokka from Avatar. This was a fun MEME to create as I grew up watching Avatar and it is still one of my favorite shows to this day.

The third assignment I chose was the “Selfie with Your Pet!“, where students in the course took a picture with their pet – or with their multiple pets – and discussed about their pets. For this assignment, I talked about my pet male albino rat, Casper, how I adopted him, and the life he has with me now.

The fourth assignment I chose was based off a Daily Create I made for the Daily Create #tdc3069 assignment for June 8th, 2020. This assignment was to “Design a postmodern birdie with an emotional color.” For this assignment, I chose a picture of a bird I had from my travels to Belize and edited shadowing and hue colors to enhance the emotions of the bird I felt best suited it’s behavior. I also did the same for my pet rat, Casper, adding specific hues and shadow colorings to enhance his behavior as well.

The fifth assignment I chose was the “Home Video GIF” assignment. “For this assignment, you will need one thing that eveyone has. A home video! Choose a video that you have filmed yourself and create a gif from that video. Instructions for how to complete this assignment are linked to this page!” The video I chose was of my rat Casper being sneaky by trying to escape out of his cage. This was a very fun assignment to create as Casper is always full of hilarious surprises!

The sixth assignment I chose was the “Turn a GIF into a FIG” by finding “a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.” This assignment was fun to do as well because I had a video of Casper spinning in a forwards direction and decided to reverse it so it looked like he was spinning backwards… Something I taught him myself! (I only wish this was true).

The seventh assignment I chose was “Demotivate Yourself“, where students were required to create a demotivational poster. I chose a picture of a bear sitting in the middle of the road and liked doing this assignment because I also connected it to my blog topic, How Roads Impact Wildlife.

The eighth assignment I chose was the “Color Walk Time Lines”, where students needed to, “Choose a color and then take 20 minute walk in which you take a 5-8 pictures of the color as you encounter it. Then upload the photos to Flickr and create a time line using TimeLine JS.” I chose the color green and chose to display pictures from my travels to Belize, titling it a “Green Walk in Belize“.

The ninth assignment I chose was “The Big Caption”, where “In the spirit of take any photo featured on The Big Picture ( and add typographical text elements in a way that changes the message.” I chose a picture from the February 2020 pictures by the Boston Globe and titled it to interpret a different meaning then what the original picture relayed. This was a great assignment to create as it was reinterpreting the meaning of something so it could be understood in a different way; this is similar to how people have different opinions about one thing.

The tenth assignment I chose was “We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch” where “Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.” This was another fun assignment to create because it allowed me to showcase my “family”, or friend group from being at UNE, people I still consider to be close to me like family because of everything we’ve been through together.

The last and final assignment I chose to display was “Remix Guinness Book of World Records” through remixing “a Guinness Book of World records web page. Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Try and connect it to a story, and add some background inspiration into your idea for inspiration. Maybe it was the record you always wanted to set, or break. Or maybe it fits perfectly into a story you are creating. How ever it fits be creativ and have fun with it.” This was a great assignment to do as I could recreate a record holder for something – I chose the Loudest land animal – and spice it up a little by adding in some funny elements and altering other elements to make the page my own.

All of these DS106 assignments I have decided to showcase in this Digital Story Compilation have all been assignments I’ve enjoyed creating as I have been able to learn how to embed images into pages, create GIF’s and FIG’s from scratch, and showcase all of my hard work to my peers and the audience my ePortfolio attracts. This is work I am proud to have made, and found meaning in doing with each and everyone.

