“Good ole’ Forrest Gump. He always manages to find himself at the center of history, and using photo editing software, so can you. Find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene, just like Forrest Gump.” This is the objective of the assignment “The Forrest Gump Project”. To do this, I first downloaded Photoshop and got myself familiar with the app and software to prepare for adding myself into a picture from history. Once doing this, I chose a historical photo from “Girls From Woodstock 1969 Show The Origin Of Todays Fashion“. Once I had the photo, I went to Photoshop and began my editing process. The picture I chose of myself was one I took about a year ago from a sunflower festival as I was trying to chose the best photo of myself to insert into the Woodstock one. After playing around, the results I got are pictured on the left.
Though I have never used photoshop before or have inserted myself/other people into a picture, this was an overall fun assignment to create! It almost illustrates that the two girls dancing are being photographed by the photographer in the back of the picture, and I turned around just in time to flash a smile at the photographer behind me. The layering, cropping, and editing with hue and shadow coloring all added to create the final picture you see. Though it may be a rough photo, I am quite happy with how it turned out.