Turn a GIF into a FIG – Third Animated GIF

For the third animated GIF assignment, it was based off the “Turn a GIF into a FIG” assignment where students had to “Find a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.” Looking through my camera roll for a good video to turn into a GIF and then reverse it, I found the one to the left of Casper when I had him as a lab rat. Have you ever seen a rat spin around backwards for a treat? The original video shows Casper spinning in a forward direction before he is rewarded with a treat for performing that behavior; something he is very good at, I might add! When I was reversing this video, it was quite hilarious to me because as hard as my group members tried in the lab course, we could never get Casper to spin in a backwards direction (i.e., this is a hard trick for a rat to learn spinning forwards). Now, I have my own personal video of Casper spinning backwards – hopefully no one will figure out it’s edited so it just looks like my rat is performing a cool trick!


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